I had to answer an important phone call while we were having devotions in our office yesterday morning so when I finally entered the room, all I heard was, “I want you my sight back.” That statement of desire was a blind man’s response to Jesus’ question : “What do you want me to do for you?” Hearing that, I began to pray : “Lord, I want my sight. I want the kind of eyes that see You in anything and in everything. Give me the ability to recognize you in the most unlikely places especially now that there is so much to look at and there are so many things competing for my attention. If faith is being sure of what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see, I want to see again through the eyes of faith…I want to be certain of things that are not there yet and of things that are yet to be. Heal my unbelief, Lord. Heal my spiritual blindness.” - july 15, 2008 (2:23AM)