Last Wednesday was a mini-reunion for us, UPD Nav Alumni. Kuya Roovin, who now acts as our org President, called for a meeting to finalize our plans to do another "book drive" this year. This time, we are partnering with Compassion Int'l c/o Ate Jing Ocampo who will be in charge of connecting the group to a church in the Ifugao area. She also linked us with Trumpets (a theater group) and we have asked them to participate by doing an evangelistic show during the actual giving of books. Plans are starting to firm up and we are very excited for this event.

One of the joyful surprises during the meeting was to have Rheah Banatao-Garcia grace the meeting with her elegant presence! You could see in the looks on our faces in the photographs how happy we were to see each other. Good thing that by the time she arrived, the agenda was almost covered. Hehe! :D

Cheloy also managed to attend while she's in Indonesia. In the middle of the meeting, she called and the cellphone was passed around. We even took a picture of Jean talking to her just so we will have a proof that she was part of the meeting. KC, Abi and Trina also dropped by. Of course, we missed most of you... Kuya Jaime, Ate Nestine and Jaz, Tarts, Jay Arre, Erna, Ate Joy & Kuya Lem, Ate Rubelyn, Cleng, Andrey...and a lot more.

In the end, we agreed to meet weekly, devoting every other Wednesday for bible study and the remaining two Wednesdays for meetings/planning. I was kidding Kuya Roovin, saying we're just pressured because Kuya Jaime is coming back sooooonnnnn! But we know that deep in our hearts, we really are aching to commune with one another once again.:D
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